Nationals Camping


Nationals Camping

Each pitch includes: 1 Tent, 2 People and 1 Car Space

Enter the registration of the car that you will have on your pitch
Enter a contact number in case we need to contact you relating to the booking
Enter a Email Address in case we need to contact you relating to the booking
If you are coming attending by yourself (1 adult) please minus 1 child from this number as they will be you're standard 2nd person.
If you are coming attending by yourself (1 adult) please minus 1 child from this number as they will be you're standard 2nd person.
If you are coming attending by yourself (1 adult) please minus 1 child from this number as they will be you're standard 2nd person.
Product total
Options total
Grand total


When we bagged the Great British Car Journey for this year’s event, we were pretty stoked.
It’s a great, friendly venue that could very well set the standard for the future of the National and they’re trying to incorporate us into a bigger, VW-based day.
They’re also okay with us selling our kit, and the management seems to want to work with us, rather than slowly make it impractical for us to be there.
With that all ticked off, we needed to make sure the campsite lived up to expectations.
Years ago we stayed in a field with no running water. The year we got told they’d installed a shower, we thought we were living in the future. They still hadn’t installed electricity by the time we left, and the last phone conversation I had with the owner involved him talking at me for twenty minutes about just how, exactly, septics tanks were installed.
But times change. And as we’ve all got older, we’ve realized that peeing in bushes and “festival showers” just won’t cut it anymore.
So, you beautiful rejects, we’ve gone all out and found the best we could.
We’ve managed to get a promotional price which is cracking value when you consider that we used to pay £7 a night each to wee in a bush.
And we’ve got our own field, with enough room for everyone, proper toilets, and showers and hookups for those that want it (at extra cost). There’s even a café/bar on site in case the weather’s rubbish or you just need a fry-up.